Wednesday 7 October 2009


I am a sober, grateful member of the amazing fellowship of Alcoholics Anonymous. I would like all AA's who surf the world wide web to know and understand that the majority of AA members here in the UK think aacultwatch is a farcical nonsense and injurious to AA.

Wow you can hear the clash of egos across the oceans... they are no more than self appointed internet police whose sobriety has clearly not advanced beyond the insanity of a failed step 2.

Let all sound AA members do as we are bidden and pray for our misguided friends and in particular that their ISP connection fails permanently..


A lady member from Battersea.


  1. Keep up the good work - It is clearly evident one of the team at aacultwatch is an AA member from Plymouth and I attend a lot of meetings in South Devon and I can say with absolute authority that there is a lot of dishonesty on the aacultwatch website. Why don't the fellas post their surnames? They clearly have a hidden agenda and are riddled with fear. They really should start reading daily The Big Book; Twelve Steps & Twelve Traditions; AA Comes of Age; Dr. Bob & the Good Oldtimers and Pass it on.

  2. i find it most enlightening, as do many long time sober pals.

  3. check out new site called and send them an email with any evidenced based facts you have about aa cultwatch so it share a rational and real response to it.Send what you know about aa cultwatch, the names of its organisers, its location and anything you else you deem worthy of being published. It must be true and factual and not libelious or a whinge. Pass on what you know to us at

  4. As a long time member who actually believes in the spiritual foundation being anonymity I applaud the fact you see this cult watch thing for what it is. Seems traditions are welcomingly being broken without thought. If someone feels as strongly as you all seem to then there is a perfectly respectable vehicle through the intergroup, region etc. process to register complaints. All this lot does is succeed in telling the real world we aren't really worth coming to if you have a drink problem as we cant even play the game by our own rules. I do however lie the logo as it was ME in 1996 at a saturday afternoon meeting in Carnwardric (Glasgow) who first coined the phrase 'the ego has landed'. (and I gave it freely and without conviction for anyone to use - even the singing AA meetings that grace the world of popular music. (I wonder how they would do if they actualy had to think and compose for themselves LOL) Take care and let the gods of egotistical mania keep the shoulders of the 'fellowship' to the wheel.

  5. what a shame that your blog is necessary... i agree that aa cultwatch is pretty sick.

  6. Thank you all for positive feedback, as we all know an eye for an eye can only lead to blindness! therefore we will continue to strive forward, showing love and telling only the truth, which does seem to annoy people!

  7. I always thought a cult was where the leader wanted to father all of the children, wanted all your wages, and gave you NOTHING in return, seized your property and gave you a low protein diet. AA to the contrary asked me for NOTHING, lets me father my own children, and be a parent to them also, Keep my wages, and i dont see the telephone office getting raided by the ATF. AA has restored me to sanity, therefore I am no longer vulnerable to be indoctrinated into a cult and can continue along my spiritual journey, as Voltaire said, I might not agree with what they have to say, but I will defend with my life there right to say it! and give them the right to be wrong. Thank you.....Happy Irish member of AA.

  8. alongside this AA cultwatch thing the private big book study sect come a close second as dangerous. They recruit people from regular AA meetings and impose rules and regulations on attendance, and these people are bound to secrecy.... - clearly not AA I wish cultwatch would do somthing positive and go after them

  9. it all makes me laugh, as i can see it for what it is.
    a bunch of RECOVERING alcoholics who are and will always be between steps 3 and 11. i looked at this site and their "where to find",
    noticed a meeting i like to go to on there and thought, i better try the other ones on their list as i would probably enjoy them. so thank you aa cultwatch for giving me more meetings with real recovery to go to.

    god bless you.

  10. Always glad to be helpful!

  11. I am grateful to AA Cultwatch - why? because it is very helpful to know where good strong meetings which carry the AA message are.

    AA Cultwatch you are on my Gratitude List.

  12. Its a farce, written by control freaks who cant get a part in the show... one such member is a Mr Michael Ishmael, he is one of the control freaks in the Oval AA group in Kenington, SE London... A complete narcissist .
